Character sheet

Name: Jess
Gender: Clown Girl
Pronouns: She/it
Birthday: Apr 15 1992 on earth
Age: 24
Species: clown (alien)
Occupation: clown (no income)
Sexuality: pansexual
Height: 5'6

Jess is a 24 year old clown (in 2016) that just got to earth, and landed in pensilvania. Before that she lived one Mirthania with the rest of her circus. She had to leave for reasons not yet known. But she's very resorsful, and ready to adapt to her new enviroment. She's already made her first freind here and it didn't even take a day!

She's used to telling jokes and preforming pretty much all
the time. On Mirthania they put actual shows on all the time
for each other and aliens that would visit to see, but they
also just acted like that day to day, clown isn't a job for
them that's just how they are, so it's a little hard for her
trying to act human and be socially acceptable, thankfully
Jane hardly cares about her tomfoolery so she can go nuts at home.

Pictures that are good for her^

music she'd like^